%%% 032.png %%% Hymn 3 Second Mode Melody "Behold the Bridegroom cometh" %%% Version 3 fonts reset \version "2.10" \header { dedication = \markup { \center-align { "THE CHRISTIAN YEAR - ADVENT" \hspace #0.1 }} title="3" poet = \markup { \small {\sans "SECOND MODE MELODY." \hspace #1 \roman (D. C. M.) }} meter = \markup { \small { \italic {"Moderately slow, dignified" \fontsize #-5 \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"2" #1 "= 69."} } } arranger = \markup { \small { \smallCaps "T. Tallis," \italic " c." "1515-1585."}} tagline = "" } global = { \time 4/2 \key g \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" } %%generates the breathmarks above barlines breathmark = { \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible \override Score.RehearsalMark #'Y-offset = #'4.0 \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-offset = #'-0.5 \mark \markup { \fontsize #4 ","} } %%make explicit accidentals transparent (they show up when timing is turned off noacci = \once \override Accidental #'transparent = ##t soprano = \relative c' { \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f e1 \bar "|" e2 fis2 g2 e2 \bar "|" fis2. fis4 e2 e2 \bar "|" d2 e2 fis2 fis2 \bar "|" e1. \bar "||" \break e2 \bar "|" a2 b2 c2 a2 \bar "|" b2 b2 a2 a2 \bar "|" g2 a2 b2 b2 \bar "|" a1. \breathmark \bar "||" \break d,2 \bar "|" g2 a2 b2 g2 \bar "|" a2 a2 g2 g2 \bar "|" \once \override Accidental #'transparent = ##t fis2 g2 a2 a2 \bar "|" g1. \bar "||" \break g2 \bar "|" fis2 g2 a2 fis2 \bar "|" g2 g2 fis2 e2 \bar "|" \time 3/1 e2 d2 e1 fis1 \bar "|" e1 \bar "||" } alto = \relative c' { b1 \bar "|" b2 d2 d2 b2 \bar "|" d2 d2 c2 c2 \bar "|" b2 e2 e2 d2 \bar "|" \once \override Dots #'transparent = ##t \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.05 e1. \bar "||" e2 \bar "|" e2 g2 g2 e2 \bar "|" g2 g2 f2 f2 \bar "|" e2 c2 e2 e2 \bar "|" c1. \bar "||" d2 \bar "|" b2 d2 d2 d2 \bar "|" e2 d2 b2 d2 \bar "|" d2 b2 d2. c4 \bar "|" b1. \bar "||" b2 \bar "|" d2 e2 e2 d2 \bar "|" d2 d2 d2 c \bar "|" c2 b2 c1 d1 \bar "|" \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-0.05 e1 \bar "||" } tenor = \relative c { \clef bass \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f g'1 \bar "|" g2 a2 g2 g2 \bar "|" b2 a2 g2 g2 \bar "|" g2 g2 b2 b2 \bar "|" g1. \bar "||" b2 \bar "|" c d2 c2 c2 \bar "|" e2 d2 c2 c2 \bar "|" c2 a2 a2 g2 \bar "|" a1. \bar "||" g2 \bar "|" g2 \noacci fis2 g2 g2 \bar "|" c2 fis,2 g2 g2 \bar "|" a2 g2 g2 fis2 \bar "|" g1. \bar "||" g2 \bar "|" b2 b2 c a2 \bar "|" b2 b2 b2 g2 \bar "|" g2 g2 g1 b2( a2) \bar "|" g1 \bar "||" } bass = \relative c { \clef bass e1 \bar "|" e2 d2 b2 e2 \bar "|" b2 b2 c2 c2 \bar "|" g2 c2 b2 b2 \bar "|" e1. \bar "||" g2 \bar "|" a2 g2 e2 a2 \bar "|" e2 e2 f2 f2 \bar "|" c2 f!2 e2 e2 \bar "|" a,1. \bar "||" b2 \bar "|" e2 d2 g,2 b2 \bar "|" c d2 e2 b2 \bar "|" d2 e2 d2 d2 \bar "|" g,1. \bar "||" e'2 \bar "|" b2 e2 a,2 d2 \bar "|" g,2 g2 b2 c2 \bar "|" c2 g2 c1 b1 \bar "|" << { \voiceTwo e1 } \new Voice {\once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #0.1 \voiceFour \set fontSize = #-3 e,1 } >> \bar "||" } #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") top-margin = 2\mm bottom-margin = 3\mm between-system-padding = 2\mm before-title-space = 0\mm after-title-space = 1.5\mm print-page-number = ##f between-system-space = #0.1 ragged-last-bottom = ##t ragged-bottom = ##t } \book{ \score{ \new ChoirStaff << \context Staff = upper << \context Voice = sopranos { \voiceOne \global \soprano } \context Voice = altos {\voiceTwo \global \alto } >> \context Staff = lower << \context Voice = tenors { \voiceOne \global \tenor } \context Voice = basses { \voiceTwo \global \bass } >> >> \layout { indent=0 \context { \Score timing = ##f } \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } % \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } \context { \Score \remove "Mark_engraver" } \context { \Staff \consists "Mark_engraver" } } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 69 2) } } } \markup { \hspace #2.4 %%add space as necc. to center the column \fill-line { \column { %%next line is for attributions \hspace #1 \line { \hspace #36 \small \italic "Horologion. c. 8th cent. Tr. G. Moultrie."} \hspace #0.2 \line { \small {\hspace #20 "Ἰδοὺ ὀ Νυμφἱος ἔρΧεται. [Idou o Numphios erchetai.]"} } \hspace #0.2 \column { \line { \hspace #2.2 \column { \lower #2.4 \fontsize #8 "B" } %%Drop Cap goes here \hspace #-1.0 %% adjust this if other letters are too far from Drop Cap \column { \raise #0.0 "EHOLD the Bridegroom cometh in the middle of the night," " And blest is he whose loins are girt, whose lamp is burning bright;" } } \line { \hspace #2.7 %%adjust hspace until this line left edge is flush with Drop Cap \lower #1.56 %%adjust this until the line spacing looks right \column { "But woe to that dull servant, whom the Master shall surprise" "With lamp untrimmed, unburning, and with slumber in his eyes." }} } %% finish stanza 1 \hspace #0.1 % adds vertical spacing between verses \line { "2 " \column { "Do thou, my soul, beware, beware, lest thou in sleep sink down," "Lest thou be given o'er to death, and lose the golden crown;" "But see that thou be sober, with a watchful eye, and thus" "Cry—'Holy, holy, holy God, have mercy upon us.' " }} } } } %%fake score block to occupy space and force a pagebreak. Can't think of a better way of doing this. \score{ { s4 } \header { breakbefore = ##f piece = " " opus = " " } \layout{ \context { \Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver \remove Key_engraver \remove Clef_engraver \remove Staff_symbol_engraver }}} %%second page \markup { \hspace #0 %%add space as necc. to center the column \fill-line { \column { \line { "3 " \column { "That day, the day of fear, shall come; my soul, slack not thy toil," "But light thy lamp, and feed it well, and make it bright with oil;" "Who knowest not how soon may sound the cry at eventide," "'Behold, the Bridegroom comes! Arise! Go forth to meet the bride.'" }} \hspace #0.1 % adds vertical spacing between verses \line { "4. " \column { "Beware, my soul; beware, beware, lest thou in slumber lie," "And, like the Five, remain without, and knock, and vainly cry;" "But watch, and bear thy lamp undimmed, and Christ shall gird thee on" "His own bright wedding-robe of light—the glory of the Son." }} } } } %% Amen score block \score{ \new ChoirStaff << \context Staff = upper \with { fontSize = #-3 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2) } << \context Voice = "sopranos" { \relative c' { \clef treble \global \voiceOne e1 e1 \bar "||" }} \context Voice = "altos" { \relative c' { \clef treble \global \voiceTwo c1 b1 \bar "||" }} >> \context Lyrics \lyricsto "altos" { \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1 A -- men. } \context Staff = lower \with { fontSize = #-3 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2) } << \context Voice = "tenors" { \relative c { \clef bass \global \voiceThree a'1 gis1 \bar "||" }} \context Voice = "basses" { \relative c { \clef bass \global \voiceFour a1 e'1 \bar "||" }} >> >> \header { breakbefore = ##f piece = " " opus = ##f tagline = ##f } \layout { ragged-right = ##t indent = 15\cm \context { \Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver } } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 69 2) }} %%Amen midi } } %% book bracket