%%%116c.png %%%Hymn 59 modern tune. Illsley. Earth's mighty Maker, whose command %%%Version 2 \version "2.10" \header { dedication = \markup { \center-align { \line { "THE CHRISTIAN YEAR - FROM THE EPIPHANY TILL LENT" } \hspace #1 } } title = \markup { "59 " \large \smallCaps "(Modern Tune)" } arranger = \markup { \small { \smallCaps "J. Bishop," \italic "c." "1665-1737."} } poet = \markup { \small { \sans "ILLSLEY." \hspace #1 \roman { "(L. M.)"} } } meter = \markup { \small { \italic {Slow} \fontsize #-5 \general-align #Y #DOWN \note #"2" #1 = 56.} } tagline = "" } global = { \time 4/2 \key f \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" } soprano = \relative c' { \partial 2 f2 | f2 c2 f4( g4) a2 | bes4( a4) g2 f2 ^\fermata \bar "||" f2 | f2 c2 f4( g4) a4( b4) | c2 b2 c2 ^\fermata \bar "||" \break c2 | bes2 a2 d2. c4 | bes2 a2 g2 ^\fermata \bar "||" g2 | a4( g4) f2 c'2 g2 | a2 g2 f2 ^\fermata \bar "||" } alto = \relative c' { c2 | c2 c2 d4( e4) f2 | d2 e2 f2 \bar "||" c2 | c2 c2 d4( e4) f2 | g2 g2 g2 \bar "||" \break f2 | f2 f2 f2. e4 | f4( g4) f2 e2 \bar "||" c2 | c2 d2 f2 f2 | f2 e2 f2 \bar "||" } tenor = \relative c { \clef bass a'2 | a2 g2 a2 c2 | d4( c4) bes2 a2 \bar "||" a2 | a2 g2 a2 d2 | c2 d2 e2 \bar "||" \break a,2 | bes2 c2 bes2. g4 | d'2 c2 c2 \bar "||" c2 | a2 a4( bes4) c2 d2 | c2. bes4 a2 \bar "||" } bass = \relative c { \clef bass f2 | f2 e2 d2 a2 | g2 c2 f2 _\fermata \bar "||" f2 | f2 e2 d2 d2 | e2 g2 c,2 _\fermata \bar "||" f2 | d2 f2 bes,2. c4 | d4( e4) f2 c2 _\fermata \bar "||" e2 | f2 d2 a2 bes2 | c2 c2 f,2 _\fermata \bar "||" } #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") % annotate-spacing = ##t print-page-number = ##f ragged-last-bottom = ##t ragged-bottom = ##t } \book{ %%% Score block \score{ \new ChoirStaff << \context Staff = upper << \context Voice = sopranos { \voiceOne \global \soprano } \context Voice = altos {\voiceTwo \global \alto } >> \context Staff = lower << \context Voice = tenors { \voiceOne \global \tenor } \context Voice = basses { \voiceTwo \global \bass } >> >> \layout { indent=0 % \context { \Score timing = ##f } \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" } \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } \context { \Score \remove "Mark_engraver" } \context { \Staff \consists "Mark_engraver" } } %%% Main midi \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 56 2) } } } %%score bracket %%% Lyric Titles \markup { \column { \line { \small { \hspace #4 \smallCaps "Office Hymn." \hspace #60 \italic {"c. 7th cent. Tr. Anon. (1854)."} } } \line { \small { \hspace #6 \italic "Tuesday Evening." \hspace #24 "Telluris ingens Conditor."} } } } %%% Lyrics in 3 columns, column 1 (verses), column 2 (a dividing line), column 3 (verses); centred last verse \markup { \hspace #4 %%add space as necc. to center the column \column { %% super column of everything \line { %% a master line of 3 columns \column { %% column 1 \hspace #1 % adds vertical spacing between verses \column { %% verse 1 is a column of 2 lines \line { \hspace #2.2 \column { \lower #2.4 \fontsize #8 "E" } %%Drop Cap goes here \hspace #-1.2 %% adjust this if other letters are too far from Drop Cap \column { \raise #0.0 "ARTH'S mighty Maker, whose command" " Raised from the sea the solid land," } } \line { \hspace #2.5 %%adjust hspace until this line left edge is flush with Drop Cap \lower #1.56 %%adjust this until the line spacing looks right \column { "And drove each billowy heap away," "And bade the earth stand firm for aye:" }} } %% finish verse 1 \hspace #1 \line { "2 " \column { "That so, with flowers of golden hue," "The seeds of each it might renew;" "And fruit-trees bearing fruit might yield—" "And pleasant pasture of the field;" }} } %%% end page column 1 \hspace #4 %% adds horizontal space columns 1 and 2 \column { \filled-box #'(0.0 . 0.1) #'( -25 . -1) #0 } %%% Column 2. This is the line dividing the columns 1 and 3. \hspace #4 %% adds horizontal space between columns 2 and 3 \column { %%% start page column 3 \hspace #1 %% adds vertical spacing between verses \line { "3 " \column { "Our spirit's rankling wounds efface" "With dewy freshness of thy grace:" "That grief may cleanse each deed of ill," "And o'er each lust may triumph still." }} \hspace #1 \line {"4 " \column { "Let every soul thy law obey," "And keep from every evil way;" "Rejoice each promised good to win" "And flee from every mortal sin." }} } %%% end page column 3 } %%% end master-line \hspace #1 %%% centred last verse \line { \hspace #32 "5. " \column { "O Father, that we ask be done," "Through Jesus Christ, thine only Son;" "Who, with the Holy Ghost and thee," "Doth live and reign eternally. Amen." }} } } %%% lyric markup bracket %%% Amen score block \score{ \new ChoirStaff << \context Staff = upper \with { fontSize = #-3 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2) } << \context Voice = "sopranos" { \relative c' { \clef treble \global \voiceOne f1 f1 \bar "||" }} \context Voice = "altos" { \relative c' { \clef treble \global \voiceTwo d1 c1 \bar "||" }} >> \context Lyrics \lyricsto "altos" { \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1 A -- men. } \context Staff = lower \with { fontSize = #-3 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2) } << \context Voice = "tenors" { \relative c { \clef bass \global \voiceThree bes'1 a1 \bar "||" }} \context Voice = "basses" { \relative c { \clef bass \global \voiceFour bes1 f1 \bar "||" }} >> >> \header { breakbefore = ##f piece = " " opus = " " } \layout { \context { \Score timing = ##f } ragged-right = ##t indent = 15\cm \context { \Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver } } %%% Amen midi \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 56 2) }} } } %%book bracket