%%% 118.png %%% Hymn 61 "Almighty God, who from the flood" %%% Version 1 \version "2.10" \include "gregorian-init.ly" \header { dedication = \markup { \center-align { "THE CHRISTIAN YEAR - FROM THE EPIPHANY TILL LENT" \hspace #0.1 } } title = "61" arranger = \markup { \raise #0.5 \small { "Mode ii." } } tagline ="" } %%%%%%%%%% Macro Definitions %%%%%%%%%% global = { \key d \major \time 16/8 \autoBeamOff \set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ" } % *** ln macro: settings for stemless long note which is 2x duration of regular white note ln = { \once \override NoteHead #'duration-log = #0 \once \override Stem #'stencil = ##f \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #'0.4 } %%%%%%%%%% Music %%%%%%%%%% plainsong = \relative c { \clef "vaticana-fa2" \set fontSize = #3 fis8 fis g a g g fis e \bar "|" g e fis d cis fis fis fis \bar "|" \break fis fis g a g g fis e \bar "|" g e fis d cis fis d d \bar "||" \break } soprano = \relative c' { g'8 g a b a a g fis \bar "|"a fis g e d g g g \bar "|" \break g g a b a a g fis \bar "|"a fis g e d g e e \bar "||" \break } alto = \relative c' { e8 d c b d cis e d \bar "|" e d~ d c b b e d \bar "|" d e \once \override Slur #'extra-offset = #'( 0.0 . -0.2 ) fis~ fis fis e \ln d4 \bar "|" e8 d~ d c b d c! b \bar "||" \break } tenor = \relative c { \clef bass \ln g'4 fis8 g a~ a \ln b4 \bar "|" \ln a4 \ln g4~ g8~ g c b \bar "|" \ln b4 \ln d4~ d8 cis! b a \bar "|" \ln a4 \ln g4~ g8~ g g g \bar "||" \break } bass = \relative c { \clef bass c8 b a g fis a e' b \bar "|" cis d b c g' e c! g \bar "|" g' e d b d a b d \bar "|" cis! d b c g' b, c! e \bar "||" \break } %%%%%%%%%% Score block %%%%%%%%%% #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) \book { \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") print-page-number = ##f ragged-bottom=##f ragged-last-bottom=##f } \score { << \new VaticanaStaff { \plainsong } \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = "upper" << \context Voice = sopranos { \voiceOne \global \soprano } \context Voice = altos { \voiceTwo \global \alto } >> \new Staff = "lower" << \context Voice = tenors { \voiceOne \global \tenor } \context Voice = bass { \voiceTwo \global \bass } >> >> >> \layout { ragged-right = ##f % *** makes sure last system spreads right across the page ragged-last = ##f \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" % *** uncomment this to remove system start bar % \override SystemStartBar #'stencil = ##f \remove "Mark_engraver" } \context { \VaticanaStaff % *** Increases distance between lines of staff \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #1.6 % *** Changes staff to black instead of default red \revert StaffSymbol #'color % *** Makes clef bigger \override Clef #'font-size = #3 % *** Would make ledger lines black, if there were any \revert LedgerLineSpanner #'color % *** Makes terminal barline visible \override BarLine #'transparent = ##f \remove Custos_engraver \override KeySignature #'transparent = ##t \override Accidental #'transparent = ##t % *** needed for certain tweaks \consists "Mark_engraver" } \context { \Staff \consists "Mark_engraver" \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t % *** Needed to produce beamed minims - which are quavers in disguise \override NoteHead #'duration-log = #1 \override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag } } % end layout } % end score %%%%%%%%%% Lyrics %%%%%%%%%% \markup { % change number as necessary to centre lyrics block \hspace #34 \column { % whole lyrics block is formatted into a single column % heading section \line { \lower #0.5 \small { \hspace #-30 \smallCaps "Office Hymn." \hspace #54 \italic "6th or 7th cent. Tr. J. M. Neale" \normal-text "‡." } } \line { \small { \hspace #-28 \italic "Thursday Evening." \hspace #18 "Magnae Deus potentiae."} } % *** inserts vertical space between lines \hspace #0.1 % lyrics section 1: double column of verses % Create a line made up of two columns of verse separated by a vertical line \line { % first column of verse % return to LH margin \hspace #-30 \column { \line { \hspace #2.2 % *** Drop Cap goes here \column { \lower #2.4 \fontsize #8 "A" } % *** adjust if rest of line is too far from Drop Cap - left is negative \hspace #-1.7 \column { \raise #0.0 "LMIGHTY God, who from the flood" " Didst bring to light a twofold brood;" } } \line { \hspace #2.5 %%adjust hspace until this line left edge is flush with Drop Cap \lower #1.56 %%adjust this until the line spacing looks right \column { "Part in the firmament to fly," "And part in ocean's depths to lie;" } } \hspace #1 \line { "2 " \column { "Appointing fishes in the sea," "And fowls in open air to be," "That each, by origin the same," "Its separate dwelling-place might claim:" } } \hspace #1 \line { "3 " \column { "Grant that thy servants, by the tide" "Of Blood and water purified," } } } % end first column of verse % create some space between first column of verse and the vertical line \hspace #3 % vertical line \column { \filled-box #'(0.0 . 0.1) #'(-30 . 2) #0 } % second column of verse \column { \line { \hspace #2 " " \column { "No guilty fall from thee may know," "Nor death eternal undergo." } } \hspace #1 \line { \hspace #2 "4 " \column { "Be none submerged in sin's distress," "None lifted up in boastfulness;" "That contrite hearts be not dismayed," "Nor haughty souls in ruin laid." } } \hspace #1 \line { \hspace #2 "5. " \column { "O Father, that we ask be done," "Through Jesus Christ, thine only Son;" "Who, with the Holy Ghost and thee," "Doth live and reign eternally. Amen." } } } % end second column of verse } % end master line } % end column that is entire lyrics block } % end markup %%%%%%%%%% Midi Block %%%%%%%%%% %%% A separate score block to generate the midi minus the plainsong voice %%% Since minims are quavers in disguise, tempo has to be set accordingly, tempo set to 2=80 \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = "upper" << \context Voice = sopranos {\voiceOne \global \soprano } \context Voice = altos {\voiceTwo \global \alto } >> \new Staff = "lower" << \context Voice = tenors {\voiceOne \global \tenor } \context Voice = bass {\voiceTwo \global \bass } >> >> \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 80 8) } } } % end midi score %%%%%%%%%% Amen Block %%%%%%%%%% \score { << \new VaticanaStaff << \new VaticanaVoice = "plainsongamen" { \set Score.timing = ##f \set fontSize = #3 % *** makes clef bigger \override Staff.Clef #'#'font-size = #3 \clef "vaticana-fa2" \override Staff.StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #1.6 \relative c { \[ d8 \pes e8 \] \[ \override NoteHead #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . -0.1 ) d8 \override NoteHead #'extra-offset = #'(-0.38 . 0) \flexa c8 \pes \override NoteHead #'extra-offset = #'(0.0 . 0.0 ) d8 \] } } >> % \new Lyrics = "lyrics" { s1 } \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = upper << \new Voice = "sopranos" { \relative c' { \global \voiceOne e8[ fis8] e8[ d8 e8] \bar "||" } } \new Voice = "altos" { \relative c' { \global \voiceTwo cis!8[ d8] \ln b4. \bar "||" } } >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto sopranos { \set alignAboveContext = #"upper" \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1 { A -- men. } } \new Staff = lower << \new Voice = "tenors" { \relative c { \global \clef bass \voiceThree \ln a'4 g8[ fis8 g8] \bar "||" } } \new Voice = "basses" { \relative c { \global \clef bass \voiceFour a8[ d8] e8[ b8 e,8] \bar "||" } } >> >> % choirstaff bracket >> % score bracket % *** creates space between end of lyrics and amen score \header { breakbefore = ##f piece = " " opus = " " } \layout { indent = 13\cm raggedright = ##t ragged-bottom = ##t packed = ##f \context { \Score \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t % *** controls the amount of space between notes on the staff \override SeparationItem #'padding = #2 } \context { \VaticanaStaff \revert StaffSymbol #'color \revert LedgerLineSpanner #'color \override BarLine #'transparent = ##f } \context { \Staff \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'( -2 . 2) fontSize = #-3 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep -2) \override NoteHead #'duration-log = #1 \override Stem #'flag-style = #'no-flag } } % end amen layout } % end amen score % *** Separate Score block for Amen midi % *** Score comprises 1/8 notes masquerading as 1/2 notes, so tempo has to be adjusted accordingly, tempo set to 2=80 \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = upper << \new Voice = "sopranos" { \relative c' { \global \voiceOne d8[ e8] d8[ c8 d8] \bar "||" } } \new Voice = "altos" { \relative c' { \global \voiceTwo a8[ c8] \ln a4 ~ a8 \bar "||" } } >> \new Staff = lower << \new Voice = "tenors" { \relative c { \clef bass \global \voiceThree f8[ g8] f8[ e8 f8] \bar "||" } } \new Voice = "basses" { \relative c { \clef bass \global \voiceFour d8[ c8] d8[ a8 d,8] \bar "||" } } >> >> % choir staff bracket \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 80 8) } } } % end midi score } % end book